Joshua Pittman

A Spirituality for the Digital Age

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How we come to Faith?

In my humble opinion, many people come to faith for reasons that are less than selfish. We tend to think our lives are at a less than optimal state, or rather, that they are abysmal. We need help with the content of our reality. “God, give me a Porsche. God, help me with the math test (I know I studied). God save my loved one.…”

The Foxhole and the Malcontent

From my experience, I have concluded there are two types of faith seekers, the Foxhole and the Malcontent. Foxhole seekers are people who ask for help when they find themselves in a painful negative situation and then return to their previous lifestyles when that pain goes away.

Then there is the Malcontent, which means:

mal·con·tent [‘malkən,tent]
1. a person who is dissatisfied and rebellious.
synonyms: troublemaker, mischief-maker, agitator, dissident, rebel, rabble-rouser
1.     dissatisfied and complaining or making trouble.

In general, a Malcontent one who is dissatisfied with life. Both paths are legitimate and both require different types of effort and spiritual work to enter faith.

We all long for more from this life

We want meaning to our life. We want purpose. Often we have exhausted all avenues of self benefit/indulgence including food, sex, money, knowledge and power. Though finding the dross within, we still turn to other self-indulgent paths. It is as if we were a child's puzzle missing just one piece. We know what the picture is and we know what shape we are looking for, but alas, the piece eludes us.

We all long for more from this life. It seems to almost be an innate law of humanity to be discontent with our current state or with our lot in life. Furthermore, disconnectedness is irrespective of the wealth, fame or accolades we may acquire. Some give up because the evolution process required is too difficult. They fall back to the pile of misshapen pieces strewn across the floor.

The missing piece — asking God for help

What God is waiting for us is for us to look up and ask our heavenly parent, "Hey, have you seen my missing piece?" Children at birth understand their place. My boys ask me for help everyday but as they master how to walk, speak and run, they do not ask for my help. If I try to force my help upon them or hover over them, they get mad at me. I often hear "I can do it, Dad!"

"I need help." This may sound simple but it is counter intuitive for humanity. We think we have all the answers within us. We think we can access the answers around us without surrender. We think we are grown when, in actuality, we are babes in the spirit. We do not think we need someone to take us by the hand and show us how to eat, walk and speak.

Luke 18:15-17
15People were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them; and when the disciples saw it, they sternly ordered them not to do it.16But Jesus called for them and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. 17Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”

Just food for thought
