Joshua Pittman

A Spirituality for the Digital Age

Who am I?

I'm a just a guy who happens to work as a minister and who is a husband to an amazing wife and father of two precious little boys and one beautiful daughter. I was born and raised in the corn fields of Southern Illinois. I was brought up Baptist but shifted focus towards the UCC so I could live progressively into who God really wanted me to be.

I started this site for a few of reasons.  One, I found that though I my speak on Sunday about various topics the conversation did not stop at 12:05 on Sunday.  I felt that the conversation was limited and stunted between the congregation and myself. Secondly, I felt that we as a society were not talking about the important issues of the day and I really wanted a place where I could bring up topics and questions that have meaning for me. (i.e Faith, What is the meaning of life, Spirituality, church and state, Social Justice, Progressive Christianity, Marriage Equality, and so on). Lastly I needed a place to showcase my work and other passions.  I needed a place that could grow beyond my personal Facebook page.  Thus was born.  I hope you enjoy.

Grace and Peace  
