Joshua Pittman

A Spirituality for the Digital Age

Filtering by Category: Politics

Violence and Syria

Violence in Syria

When it comes to Syria, I understand and take into consideration that there are geopolitical forces beyond my experience and understanding. I agree with President Obama that action must be taken against the government of Syria for launching weapons of mass destruction against its own people. When you are a leader and you say there is a red line, then you have to take action or you will lose all your credibility.

That being said, I question any groups first response is violence. We live in the country that brought you space travel, the Internet, and Big Macs.  All we can come up with is bombing. It seems very Yosemite Sam to me 

“Ya better say your prayers, ya flea-bitten varmint … I’m-a-gonna blow ya to smithereenies!”

The Syrian government killed their own and now we are going to kill more of their own to show them. No wonder the world thinks we are arrogant and self righteous. I am not a pacifist by any means but I have to think that there is another way. What is our individual response?  What is the responsibility of the Church?


