Joshua Pittman

A Spirituality for the Digital Age

Voted in as Pastor of Warwick UCC

Sunday I was voted in as Pastor of Warwick United Church of Christ, an Open and Affirming congregation in Newport News, VA. ( 

It has been such an interesting ride since I left my last church as a Baptist on September 1, 2010. More than three years later, I am in a new position. Granted, I have been working for Warwick UCC since 2012 as a consultant, waiting from my documents to go though the regional board.

I left my last church thinking that I would never work in a church again. Through faith, chance or design, I made my way to fill the pulpit at Warwick and one month turned to two. Then two months turned into long term supply and next they offered me a position as general consultant and now pastor. It has been a time of healing and growth for me as a person and as a minister. I was broken and empty when I came to Warwick. During my short time here, they have breathed life into my soul once more. I am honored to finally serve them as pastor.

Interestingly enough, my last church was a moderate/conservative Baptist church and now I work for one of the most progressive churches on the Peninsula. It has been so freeing to not worry about the theology of exclusivity and elitism. I am not saying that Warwick is a perfect church; we have had our rough spots but we have worked through it. Though we may not always agree about a process, perspective or an approach, we are not fighting about clergy equality (women or gays in the pulpit), congregational diversity, marriage equality, social justice or activism. I feel like a millstone has been lifted from my neck.

I am looking forward to the continued work at Warwick and the force for good we can become. We have laid a foundation of resurrection for the church. During our short time together, we have refurbished the church and set a new course for future. I am excited by the work that awaits us and the opportunity to bring hope to the people of Newport News

